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Wednesday 25 April 2012

What’s your hobby???

The uniqueness of pursuing a hobby or passion is that you tend to utilise
a lot of your time in a constructive pursuit...Now days the complexities of our lives hardly allows one to pursue this path where creativity and passion gives shape to something which is wonderful and definitely creates some kind of positive character in oneself subconsciously or consciously.
It generally reveals that people take on to their hobbies or passions either when they are small or when they grow old but does that mean that, that’s the phase of life which permits one to be with one self or realize that talent.

Every individual have the instinctive character of possessing some kind of hobby or passion but with times those moments of joy fades away because the intricacies of life instigates one to take refuge in some kind of easy diversion where the mind can get instant stimulation …..and one drifts apart from their passions but allowing yourself once in while to immerse in your passion or hobby is not a bad idea.

One fine Sunday morning if you wake up and just make a cup of coffee and engross your mind in those childhood passions, it definitely would help you to come over some stress in your life, those few moments would promise some hours of adulterated fun and the best part will be you will be to yourself, the individualism of your own self might have  been buried amidst the hustle bustle of life…..may be a fine stroke with your favourite brush….definitely those amazing colours might fill some colours in your mundane life, or just taking up the guitar which had been lying under the shelf for years talking to itself just striking the chord might take you to those forgotten melodies which has not been heard since years or might be reading a nice book from the shelf….and who knows you might still have that charm in your sweet voice which has settled down in the remotest corner with absolutely no hopes of humming a tune, its  been  on its own world where sweet melodies have not been heard since years.

So life can promise some wonders with those hobbies which was once a topic of your paragraphs “What’s your hobby”??.... Written with those small hands in your notebook some years ago…

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